Book Review: Under the Wild Ginger

Do you remember that wonder that you used to hold as a child? Everything was a new and wondrous discovery! Do you still carry that wonder with you through your daily life?

I sense there are times that we all have moments in our life that we simply forget what it means to look at the world around us with that spark of wonder. When was the last time that you remember having that Wow moment simply from enjoying the little things in life?

I have had the pleasure of reading a beautiful little book that inspires us to find those Wow moments in our daily life! The title says it all “A simple guide to the wisdom of wonder”. Under the Wild Ginger is a collection of suggestions and inspirations to help us rekindle the wonder that is so vital for keeping us vibrant and excited about Life.

Jeffrey Willius is a keenly aware and peaceful individual who asks us to take the time to slow down and savor our lives! In this book he shares with us a great selection of moments of potential wonder. A collection gathered from his life, and gifted to all of us!

What I really loved about my time reading this book was the exciting revelation that I have experienced quite a few of these moments of wonder in my own life. Many fond little memories were uncovered as if being discovered for the first time. I look forward to returning to this book time after time, a perfect companion to take along for a stroll through nature or my garden.

This would be a great book to read with your children and grandchildren. Children naturally live in this place of wonder, they will help you remember how to find those hidden gems within. Imagine all the wonder that you will be able to find as a family! How much fun would a “Wonder-full weekend” be!?!

This would make a great gift any time of year, but as fall descends upon us my mind turns toward the Holiday season (it will be here before we know it!). I think this would be a great little stocking stuffer. After all, what better season for wonder than the Holidays!?!

In closing I am going to share a passage from Under the Wild Ginger that resonates with me at this moment:

Celebrate Your Own Footsteps.

A whisper through dry Autumn leaves; squeals of delight compressing dry snow; the thin chatter of a kicked pebble.

Though they bear the weight of the world, let your feet proclaim their joy– not just in getting somewhere, but in the going.

To Purchase Under the Wild Ginger, and to read more of Jeffrey’s writing, visit his website at One Man’s Wonder


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